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Our Church building was opened in 1995. The old Longton Church building was in Lightwood Road across from the library and was demolished to make room for the new A50. We are ever mindful that a church is not a building but the people that use one! Our church community has existed in the Longton area for over 100 years.


If you visit Longton Church we know that you will find a friendly atmosphere.


There is always an Officer or Committee Member of the Church who will be delighted to show you around and answer any questions. If you have a specific enquiry we can help you.


Spiritualism is a recognised religion and as such we hold Divine Services in the Church conducted with reverence to God, we do not teach dogma or any kind of creed and in our church, you are welcome to honour God, in your heart, in the way you understand God to be personally. 


In our Divine Services, on Sunday evenings, God is called upon in Silence and through spoken prayers and worship is offered to God during the service through the singing of hymns, the sharing of spiritual philosophy and demonstrations of evidential mediumship are shared.  


There is so much more to discover at a Spiritualist Church and Longton Church promotes Spiritualism in accord with the Spiritualists' National Union to which our church belongs.


Spiritualism has no fixed creed or dogma and embodies the belief of most religions, that there is life after death. Man is immortal and we acknowledge the existence of God. Our mediums endeavour to give evidence that man survives physical death and that there is a path of eternal progress for all mankind with an acceptance of responsibility for one's own actions.


This evidence will give you an opportunity to discover for yourself & act as a key to open your own door to the reality of your spirit wherein each of us may find a deeply personal way to God.


The Address during a Divine Service is based on the Philosophy of Spiritualism embodied in the Seven Principles.


The Committee of the Church



Dr Steven Critchley

Vice Presidents

 Jackie Shaw & Lorraine Menzies

Secretary and Treasurer

Jill Lawrence


Von Callaghan, Dee Alimi, Phil Brookes

Local Warden

Fred Simmons (LSSNU)

Panel Warden 

Roy Simpson


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